Your Tech Matters!

Keeping up with technology is crucial! Enhance client experiences and streamline your process. Embracing innovation helps you adapt and thrive. You deserve to let technology work for YOU.

CRM Management

Out of date contacts are no way to live! Does your CRM give you campaign features? Use them! Systems are our friends!

Newsletters & Email

Get eyes on your business. Targeted content and timely nuggets of your wisdom are your superpower!

Website Updates

Keeping your website up-to-date shows your sphere, and new fans, who you are. Freshen your content!


Share your hopes and dreams. A system just might exist that achieves your goals. Right now! You won’t know until you KNOW!

Providing Support, Guidance, and Encouragement Tailored to Your Needs

Your days are busy. When you work with clients, priorities can change in a hot minute. An out of date CRM, a change to your campaign system, worse yet a NEW system, can all take a chunk out of your productivity. And you may not be comfortable with the latest gadgets or trends, and that’s perfectly okay. That’s why I’m here!

Why Me?


I’ve been helping people with technology for a couple of decades. Things change. I learn what that means and give others the benefit of my positive relationship with tech.

Tech Adept

I am fearless. I read manuals. I run tests to see how to achieve X. I once installed a virtual server on my laptop just to see what happened. I have since discovered coffee.


I believe in hands-on learning. Practical, real-world tasks make learning relevant and promotes understanding. I’m also happy to step in if you need me to.

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